Lauantai 27 heinäkuuta 2024 , Viikko: 30
In English

Dajersan SOFTA (the company) is a software company founded on 1st July, 2019.

Company location: Finland

Application developers: WinDev, WinDev mobile and WebDev

Line of activity: we make small-scale applications for Windows and Android according to wishes

A written contract is made for every programming project

the main product is DataLipas (application)

DataLipas is an application to keep important passwords, usernames and many kind of files in a crypted database.

DataLipas can be installed in a certain computer or in a USB flash drive. Price € 70. Free trial version available!

Contact by distance and e-mail are also possible with the service in
software issues abroad, e-mail is then desired.

We have competitive and favorable prices! Ask for offer!

Contact us by email primarily, contact information at the bottom of the page


Dajersan SOFTA
y-tunnus: 2009719-6, alv rek.


+358 45 78352830

OVT-tunnus: 003720097196
Välittäjän tunnus: DABAFIHH
Operaattori: 003721291126 (Maventa)

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